Matthew Kroeger

Full-Stack Software Developer

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About Me

Always Growing. Always Upbeat.

Hello, I am Matthew Kroeger

Software Developer. Music Lover.

I build full-stack applications with React, JavaScript, Python, Django, and SQLite in an Agile environment.

Why did I get into software development? Great question!

I've always loved technology and computers with a passion. Early on in my high school years, I built my first computer from the ground up. I knew early on that I wanted to work in Tech, but why coding specifically?

In my senior year of high school I took a computer science class and knew right away that I loved to code. I followed that up with 2 years of computer science at Tennessee Tech. Going into my junior year of college I recieved the chance to be a traveling musician which was a rush I won't soon forget. However, after my musician days I wanted to get back to code, but wasn't quite sure how.

So for the next few years, I worked a full time job at a Verizon Wireless call center. I would look back at my old code and go through codeacademy when I found time. I even went to MTSU for some time to go down an IT route. After 4 years at the Verizon call center, I wanted to make a hard committment to get back to what I love, coding. I started at Nashville Software School, attending a 6 month intensive bootcamp for full-stack developers.

I can easily say I consider it the best decision of my life! I love solving the puzzle that is writing good software. I love working within a team of great developers that bring different styles and approaches to their work. I love knowing that I'm in a career with endless paths to infinitely grow from. Everyday can be something new and that to me is the most exciting reason I chose to go into software development.

Tools and Technologies

VS Code
Visual Studio Code
Table Plus
Table Plus


  • ALL
  • React
  • Python
  • Personal
  • Group


January 2020 - Present
Intensive full-time 6 month software development bootcamp focused on the skills and technologies required to work as a full-stack software developer.

JavaScript, React, Python, Django, HTML, CSS, SQLite, JSON, Git, GitHub
Full-Stack Capstone, Django
  • Multi-page web application that allows users to write notes on the fly, easily find and edit them later, and has search bar functionality for even quicker results
  • Full-Stack capstone project at NSS with Relational Database with a nested data structure and managed with SQL
  • Utilizes full CRUD functionality
  • Individual project to complete the back-end capstone requirements at Nashville Software School
  • Tools used: SQL for interacting with the database, SQLite3 database for persistent storage, and Django MVT Modeling for full stack views
Front-end Capstone, React
  • Single-page web application that allows users to write lesson plans, public or private notes, and track milestones of a toddler's development.
  • Utilizes full CRUD functionality
  • Individual project to complete the front-end capstone requirements at Nashville Software School
  • Tools used: React, JavaScript, JSON server, Materialize, React Materialize, CSS, Flexbox, and Moment.js
Bangazon E-Commerce
Group Project, Python, Django, React
  • Working with a team of 4 other students, we created a full-stack e-commerce application with React on the front-end and a Django REST API on the back end
  • Tools used: Python for models and unit tests, Django ORM for interacting with the database, SQLite3 database for persistent storage, and React JS for the front-end user
  • Individually responsible for creating the Account view in Django, creating the Account view in Django, creating the database fixtures, and writing the automated tests for the Account settings in Python. In React, I was responsible for creating the navbar, handling the search bar logic and its filters, and managing the calls to the API to generate and change account details.
Bangazon Workforce Management
Group Project, Python
  • Working with a team of 4 other students, we created a web application for the fictional company Bangazon that allows HR personnel to manage employees, departments, training programs, and company computers. We completed this sprint in just 3 days
  • Tools used: Python for models, Django for views and templates, SQLite3 for database queries and persistent storage, Git and GitHub for version control and project boards, and CSS for styling
  • Individually responsible for creating the computers views and templates. Users can add new computers and view the details of each computer. If a computer has never been assigned to an employee, a user can delete or decommission the computer. Also, wrote the search bar logic.
Group Project, Python
  • Working with a team of 4 other students, we created a terminal application that allows users to manage a digital Arboretum
  • Users can create habitats/biomes, release animals into those habitats, cultivate plants, feed animals, view a report of the arboretum facility, use a secret option to quickly build Arboretum for testing, and save/load an Arberatum from previous runs.
  • Tools used: Python for classes, packages, and modules, Git and Github for version Control
  • Individually responsible for creating the modules for Biome classes and packages, as well as creating and modularizing functions that assist with creating biomes and navigating menus. Also wrote the code to display report of Arberatum, and wrote all of the save/load data permanance featuree
  • Large focus on DRY and reusable code, readability, and user interface
Group Project, React
  • Created a dashboard social media app with a group that allow users to add tasks, articles, events, message other users, and add friends
  • Tools used: CSS, Moment.js JavaScript, React, JSON Server
  • Individually responsible for the news section, which implemented CRUD functionality for users to create, edit, and delete news articles and display their news on the DOM chronologically using Moment.js. Also wrote the code for login/register and the session storage managing following auth.
  • Large focus on consistency, functionality, and reusable components
Verizon Wireless Cellular Company.
Nashville TN
Employed for 4 years
2017 - 2019
  • Worked primarily to move telephone numbers to Verizon Wireless
  • Used POPTool ticket system to move numbers between phone carriers and modify requested data where needed
  • Would reach out to, and communicate with, users of these numbers, as well as their old telephone service provider when necessary
  • Worked with Verizon Wireless account software system called ACSS, as well as the Syniverse database, which is a 3rd party government company that acts as a middleman between phone providers
2016 - 2017
  • Mastered soft skills to be a better communicator both with a customer and in a team setting
  • Used Compass tool to leverage retention offers with customers based on customer data
  • Used interpersonal skills to connect on a personal level with customers to better position solutions
  • Met and exceeded calls per day metric and well as customer retention metrics
2016 - 2016
  • Utilized Android and Apple emulators to work through phone technical issues
  • Worked with customers to fix issues with cellular devices such as poor call quality, poor network connectivity, and even battery and display issues
  • Met and exceeded calls per day metric and led in 3 day resolution for no callbacks
2015 - 2016
  • Used Verizon ACSS Billing system to collect data and assist customer with billing issues
  • Used Verizon ACSS internal commenting system to keep team members informed
  • Met and exceeded calls per day metric and led in customer survey feedback scores

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